Mental Health First Aid

Did you know you are more likely to encounter someone in an emotional or mental health crisis than someone having a heart attack? Maybe a family member is anxious or has panic attacks, a coworker seems withdrawn or depressed, a friend is having suicidal thoughts or a customer in your business is experiencing mental health symptoms. Mental Health First Aid teaches how you can help a friend, family member, coworker or other community member get in contact with the help they need.

Like CPR, Mental Health First Aid prepares participants to interact with a person in crisis and connect the person with help. First Aiders do not take on the role of professionals — they do not diagnose or provide any counseling or therapy. Instead, the program offers concrete tools and answers key questions, like “what do I do?”, “what are helpful things to say” and “where can someone find help?” The training is valuable for all community members including health care workers, law enforcement personnel, family members, employees, educators, clergy, etc.

To learn more about Mental Health First Aid, USA, please visit their website. We can also work with larger groups to provide private training offsite. Contact our Mental Health First Aid Trainer, Amy Sanderson, for more information.

Community Awareness

Your mental health is as important as your physical health. While it is commonplace to see a doctor regarding physical ailments, people may be less likely to reach out to a professional to address mental health concerns. Through our community awareness events we seek to educate people about the benefit of seeing a counselor; prevention works, treatment is effective and people recover. Behavioral health is essential to overall health and through education we hope to increase the number of people who are leading healthier, happier and more-balanced lives.

We typically host 3-4 events a year. If you’d like to learn more about our next event or would like to discuss holding one at your place of employment or organization, please give us a call. Strong communities are built on mental wellness and education is the first step in the right direction.

Mental Health Wellness for those Who Serve

Health care workers, social workers, councilors, the list goes on. Professionals who help others manage their wellness and mental health have a demanding job where taking care of others is their top priority making it challenging to step back and care for themselves. Helping our community navigate health challenges comes with a unique set of stressors and it’s important we support this group to seek assistance when needed. Given the hectic daily schedules, it’s easy to miss the signs that help is needed so we encourage this group to check in with themselves regularly. Download and share our End of the Day Check-In and make it part of a daily routine. If you or someone you know needs help, please connect with us so we can help you take care of yourself.

Group of People at event - Community Education

24/7 Crisis Resources

There will be no charge for you to reach out to any of these resources.



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For LGBTQ young people

Call Trevor Suicide Prevention Lifeline 866-488-7386

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